(function (window, undefined) { if (window.ifeng) { return; } var ifeng = {}, rfocusable = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i; var isPhotoImageLoaded = false; var staSign = true; Function.prototype.bind = function () { if (!arguments.length) return this; var _ = this, $ = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), A = $.shift(); return function () { return _.apply(A, $.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))) } }; var removeListener; window.addListener = function (list, name, fn) { var bind, unbind, id = "EVENT"; if (document.attachEvent) { bind = function (el, eventName, _fn) { _fn[id] = function () { _fn(event, el); }; el.attachEvent('on' + eventName, _fn[id]); } unbind = function (el, eventName, _fn) { el.detachEvent('on' + eventName, _fn[id]); } } else if (document.addEventListener) { bind = function (el, eventName, _fn) { _fn[id] = function (e) { _fn(e, el); }; el.addEventListener(eventName, _fn[id], false); } unbind = function (el, eventName, _fn) { el.removeEventListener(eventName, _fn[id], false); } } else { bind = function (el, eventName, _fn) { el['on' + eventName] = _fn; } unbind = function (el, eventName, _fn) { el['on' + eventName] = null; } } window.addListener = function (list, name, fn) { if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(list) != "[object Array]") list = [list]; var i = -1, len = list.length; while (++i < len) { bind(list[i], name, fn); } }; removeListener = window.removeListener = function (list, name, fn) { if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(list) != "[object Array]") list = [list]; var i = -1, len = list.length; while (++i < len) { unbind(list[i], name, fn); } }; addListener(list, name, fn); } function addStylesheetRules(rules) { var style = document.createElement('style'); document.body.appendChild(style); if (!window.createPopup) { /* For Safari */ style.appendChild(document.createTextNode('')); } var s = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; for (var selector in rules) { if (s.insertRule) { s.insertRule(selector + '{' + rules[selector] + '}', s.cssRules.length); } else { /* IE */ s.addRule(selector, rules[selector], -1); } } } var photoViewMode = { "loop": function (index) {//loop var t = this; index = parseInt(index); return { prev: index > 1 ? 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'#p=' + (index + 1) : t.o.nextSet.href }; } }; ifeng.Gallery = function (options) { var t = this ; this._timer =0 ; var o = this.o = { //for easy using activeThumbCls: "activeThumbCls", photoViewMode: photoViewMode.loop, 'btnOrig': $('btnOrig') , 'showallPic':$('showallPic'), 'photoIndex': $('photoIndex'), 'picDiv':$('picDiv'),'photoView': $('photoView'),'photoPrev': $('photoPrev'), 'photoNext': $('photoNext'),'photo': $('photo'), 'photoPrevLoading':$('photoPrevLoading'),'picList_b':$('picList_b'), 'photoLoading': $('photoLoading'), 'photoDesc': $('photoDesc'), 'prevSet': $('prevSet'), 'nextSet': $('nextSet'), 'boxScrl': $('scrl'),'thumb': $('thumb'), 'bar': $('bar'), 'btnScrlPrev': $('scrlPrev'), 'btnScrlNext': $('scrlNext'),'scrlPrev_b':$('scrlPrev_b'),'scrlNext_b':$('scrlNext_b'), 'moretab':$('moretab'),'moreLeft':$('moreLeft'),'moreRight':$('moreRight'),'imageListView':$('imageListView'),'btnPage':$('btnPage') } if (!options.activeThumbCls) { var rules = {}; rules["." + o.activeThumbCls] = "border:1px solid #F9DF53;"; addStylesheetRules(rules); } for (var i in o) { (options[i] && (o[i] = options[i])); } t.data =options.data || []; t.turn = photoViewMode[options.photoViewMode]; t.photoIndex = {}; t.photoInfo = []; o.thumbs =[]; (function(){ var list = o.thumb.getElementsByTagName("li"),len= list.length; for(var i = 0;i" ; li.appendChild(a); o.thumbs.push(li); oFragmeng.appendChild(li); addListener( a , 'click' , function (event, dom) { var oHash = t.parseObj(dom.href); if (oHash.p) { event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : (event.returnValue = false); t.showPhoto(oHash.p).changeHash('p=' + oHash.p); } }); } o.thumb.appendChild(oFragmeng); })(); t.showPhoto(oHash.p); //load sta ifeng.Gallery.prototype.loadSta(); addListener(document, 'keydown', function (ev, dom) { if (!rfocusable.test((ev.target || ev.srcElement || document).nodeName)) { switch (ev.keyCode) { case 37: var href = o.photoPrev.getAttribute('href'), oHash = t.parseObj(href); if (oHash.p) { t.showPhoto(oHash.p).changeHash('p=' + oHash.p); } else { window.location.href = href; } break; case 39: var href = o.photoNext.getAttribute('href'), oHash = t.parseObj(href); if (oHash.p) { t.showPhoto(oHash.p).changeHash('p=' + oHash.p); } else { window.location.href = href; } break; } } }); /** start for full mode---begin**/ t.pageSize =(t.size % 12) == 0 ? Math.floor( t.size / 12) : Math.floor( t.size / 12)+1; t.currentPageIndex =0 ; t.interval = 15; t.ms = 15; for(var j=0 ; j < t.pageSize ; j++ ){ var ul = document.createElement("ul"); for (var kk = j*12 ; kk < (j+1)*12 && kk < t.size ;kk++){ var photo =t.photoInfo[kk], li = document.createElement("li"), i =document.createElement("i"),a =document.createElement("a"),img =document.createElement("img"); img.src =photo.listimg; img.onerror = function() { img.src ="/ir/tpk2017/images/noimg.jpg"; } a.href="#p="+(kk+1); a.target=""; addListener(a,"click", t.changeListMode.bind(t,kk)); a.appendChild(img); li.appendChild(i) li.appendChild(a); ul.appendChild(li); } o.imageListView.appendChild(ul); } if(t.pageSize==1){ o.moreLeft.style.display = "none"; o.moreRight.style.display = "none"; } for(var i = 0 ; i < t.pageSize ; i++ ){ var a = document.createElement('a'); a . id = o.btnPage.id + "_" + i; a .innerHTML = " "; i==0 && (a .className = o.activeThumbCls ); o . btnPage.appendChild(a); addListener(a , 'click', function(e,val){ var id = val . id.replace(o.btnPage.id +"_","") ; if(t.currentPageIndex != id){ val.className = o.activeThumbCls ; $(o.btnPage.id +"_"+t.currentPageIndex).className =""; t.currentPageIndex=parseInt(id); t._timer = setInterval(t.listAnimate.bind(t),t.interval); } }) } addListener(o.moreLeft,"click",function(e){ if(t.currentPageIndex >0 ){ t.currentPageIndex = parseInt(t.currentPageIndex) -1; t._timer = setInterval(t.listAnimate.bind(t),t.interval); t.setActivePage(); } }) addListener(o.moreRight,"click",function(e){ if(t .currentPageIndex <= t .pageSize -2 ){ t.currentPageIndex = parseInt(t.currentPageIndex) +1; t._timer = setInterval(t.listAnimate.bind(t),t.interval); t.setActivePage(); } }) addListener(o .showallPic,"click",t.changeListMode.bind(t)) /** start for full mode---end**/ }; ifeng.Gallery.prototype = { loadSta : function() { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head'); var staScript = document.createElement('script'); var staUrl = "http://sta.ifeng.com/stadig/sta_collection_nopack.js"; staScript.setAttribute('src', staUrl); staScript.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); head[0].appendChild(staScript); }, showPhoto: function (id) { var t = this, index = isNaN(id) ? 1 : (parseInt(id ) < 1 ? 1 : (parseInt(id )> t.size? t.size : parseInt(id )) ), info = t.photoInfo[index-1], turn = t.turn(index); if(t.o.moretab.style.display == "block") { t.o.moretab.style.display = "none"; t.o.picDiv.style.display = "block"; } if (info.timg != t.o.photo.src || index ==1) { var opeartZan = document.getElementById("opeartZan"); var opeartShouc = document.getElementById("opeartShouc"); t.o.photoIndex.innerHTML = index ; t.o.photoView.style.height = info.picheight +"px"; t.o.photoPrevLoading.width = info.picwidth ; t.o.photoPrevLoading.height =info.picheight ; t.o.photoPrevLoading.src = info.timg ? info.timg : info.img; $('photoimg').innerHTML= ""; $('opeartZan').href = "javascript:imgToOperate('"+info.imgId+"','"+info.userId+"','1','http://photo.beijing.gov.cn"+info.timg+"');"; $('opeartShouc').href = "javascript:imgToFavorite('"+info.userId+"','','"+info.imgId+"','"+info.imgName+"','http://photo.beijing.gov.cn"+info.timg+"');"; opeartZan.setAttribute("class",_listdata[index-1].praised); opeartShouc.setAttribute("class",_listdata[index-1].favor); $('fbr').innerHTML= info.morelink; t.o.photoDesc.innerHTML = (info.morelink=='')? info.desc : info.desc; t.o.photoPrev.href = turn.prev; t.o.photoNext.href = turn.next; t.bar.onStart = function () { var cur = O.getElementsByClassName(t.o.thumb, t.o.activeThumbCls),o= t.o; (cur && O.removeClass(cur[0], o.activeThumbCls)); O.addClass( o.thumbs[index-1], o.activeThumbCls); if(index==1){ o.scrlPrev_b.className="no"; o.photoPrev.title = "上一张"; }else if(t.size==index ){ o.scrlNext_b.className="no"; o.photoNext.title = "下一张"; }else{ o.scrlPrev_b.className=""; o.scrlNext_b.className=""; o.photoPrev.title = "上一张"; o.photoNext.title = "下一张"; } if(t.size<=5){ o.scrlPrev_b.className="no"; o.scrlNext_b.className="no"; o.scrlPrev_b.style.cursor="default"; o.scrlNext_b.style.cursor="default"; o.bar.className="drag_no"; } }; t.bar.scrollTo(info.pos); t.o.btnOrig && (t.o.btnOrig.href = info.timg); } return t; }, resize: function ($img, size) { $img.removeAttribute('width'); $img.removeAttribute('height'); size = size || {}; var rw = size.width ? $img.width / size.width : 0, rh = size.height ? $img.height / size.height : 0; if (rw > 1 || rh > 1) { rw > rh ? $img.width = size.width : $img.height = size.height; } }, parseObj: function (hash) { var rhash = /[#&]([^&=]+)=([^&=]+)/ig, a = rhash.exec(hash), o = {}; while (a) { o[a[1]] = a[2]; a = rhash.exec(hash); } return o; }, changeHash: function (hash) { window.location.hash = hash; //load sta if(staSign == true){ ifeng.Gallery.prototype.loadSta(); } staSign = true; return this; }, stats: function () { 'function' === typeof vjEventTrack && vjEventTrack(); 'function' === typeof neteaseTracker && neteaseTracker(); }, setActivePage:function (){ var that = this , o= that.o, list = o.btnPage.getElementsByTagName("a"),index = that.currentPageIndex; for(var i =0 ; i < list.length ; i++ ){ var ele = list[i]; if(ele.id == o.btnPage.id +"_" + index ){ ele.className = this.o.activeThumbCls; }else{ ele.className =""; } } } , listAnimate:function(){ var that=this, _style = that.o.imageListView.style, from = parseInt(_style.left), to = (that.currentPageIndex )*(-900); if(from < to ){ if(from + that.ms < to){ _style.left = (from + that.ms) +"px"; }else{ _style.left = to + "px"; clearInterval(that._timer); } }else{ if(from - that.ms > to){ _style.left = (from - that.ms) +"px"; }else{ _style.left = to + "px"; clearInterval(that._timer); } } }, changeListMode:function(){ var that = this, o = that.o, picDiv = o.picDiv,imageListView= o.imageListView,moretab= o.moretab,picList_b = o.picList_b, thumb=o.thumb,list_li=imageListView.getElementsByTagName("li"), thumb_li= thumb.getElementsByTagName("li"), showallPic= o.showallPic,btnOrig= o.btnOrig, e = arguments[arguments.length-2] || e || window.event; e &&(e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : (e.returnValue = false)); if(moretab.style.display == "none") { showallPic.className="return"; showallPic.title = "返回幻灯模式"; showallPic.innerHTML="返回幻灯"; btnOrig.style.display="none"; moretab.style.display="block"; picDiv.style.display ="none"; picList_b.style.display = "none"; var allIndex = 0; for(var i=0; i < thumb_li.length ;i++){ if(thumb_li[i].className == o.activeThumbCls){ allIndex=i; list_li[i].className = o.activeThumbCls; }else{ list_li[i].className =""; } } that.currentPageIndex =Math.floor( allIndex / 12) ; imageListView.style.left = that.currentPageIndex*(-900) +"px"; that.setActivePage(); }else{ showallPic.className="ckap"; showallPic.title="全部图片"; showallPic.innerHTML="全部图片" btnOrig.style.display="block"; moretab.style.display="none"; picDiv.style.display ="block"; picList_b.style.display = "block"; var index = arguments[0]; if(index != undefined && typeof index =='number'){ var li = o.thumbs[index],dom = li.getElementsByTagName('a')[0],oHash = that.parseObj(dom.href),p = that.photoInfo[parseInt(index-1)]; if (oHash.p) { that.showPhoto(oHash.p).changeHash('p=' + oHash.p); } that.bar.scrollTo(p.pos); } } } } var scrollMode = { forward: function (lpf) { var t = this, pos = t._bPos - lpf; pos = (pos > 0 ? pos : 0); t._setPos(pos); (pos == 0 && t.stop()); }, backward: function (lpf) { var t = this, pos = t._bPos + lpf; pos = (pos < t._bRange ? pos : t._bRange); t._setPos(pos); (pos == t._bRange && t.stop()); } }; ifeng.Scroll = function (body, axis, handle) { if (!arguments.length) { return; } var t = this; t.constructor = arguments.callee; t._axis = axis == 'y' ? 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'forward' : 'backward'; t._move = scrollMode[toward]; var params = { length: isNaN(length) ? -1 : parseInt(length) }; t._timer = setInterval(t._scroll.bind(t, params), t.fps); t.onStart && t.onStart(); } }, stop: function () { var t = this; if (t._timer !== undefined) { clearTimeout(t._timer); t._timer = undefined; t.onStop && t.onStop(); } return this; }, scrollTo: function (length) { var t = this, distance = length - t._bPos; distance < 0 ? t.stop().start('forward', -1 * distance) : t.stop().start('backward', distance); }, _scroll: function (params) { var t = this, lpf = t.lpf; if (params.length !== 0) { if (params.length > 0) { lpf = Math.min(t.lpf * Math.ceil(params.length / t.speed), params.length); params.length -= lpf; } t._move(lpf); } else { t.stop(); } }, _setPos: function (pos) { var t = this; t._bPos = pos; t._bCnt[t._fix.scrollPos] = t._bPos; if (t._handle) { t._hPos = t.bhRate ? pos / t.bhRate : 0; if(t._hPos == 0){ $("scrlPrev_b").className = "no"; }else{ $("scrlPrev_b").className = ""; } $("scrlNext_b").className = ""; if(t._hPos >=t._hRange){ $("scrlNext_b").className = "no"; $("scrlPrev_b").className = ""; } if(t._hRange==0){ $("scrlNext_b").className = "no"; $("scrlPrev_b").className = "no"; $("scrlPrev_b").style.cursor="default"; $("scrlNext_b").style.cursor="default"; } O.setStyle(t._handle, t._fix.pos, t._hPos + 'px'); } }, _mouseStart: function (event) { var t = this; t._diffPos = fixEvent(event)[t._fix.pageAxis] - t._handle[t._fix.offsetPos]; return true; }, _mouseDrag: function (event) { var t = this, pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(event['clientX'] - t._diffPos, t._hRange)); t._setPos(pos * t.bhRate); return false; }, _mouseStop: function (event) { return false; }, _mouseClick: function (event) { var t = this, cnt = t._hCnt, cPos = cnt[t._fix.offsetPos]; while (cnt.offsetParent) { cnt = cnt.offsetParent; cPos += cnt[t._fix.offsetPos]; } t.scrollTo((fixEvent(event)[t._fix.pageAxis] - t._handle[t._fix.offsetSize] / 2 - cPos) * t.bhRate); } }; ifeng.Mouse = function (element) { var t = this; element = $(element); addListener(element, 'mousedown', t._mouseDown.bind(t)); addListener(element, 'click', function (event) { if (t._preventClickEvent) { t._preventClickEvent = false; event.cancelBubble = true; return false; } }); if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1) { this._mouseUnselectable = element.getAttribute('unselectable'); element.setAttribute('unselectable', 'on'); } this.started = false; }; ifeng.Mouse.prototype = { _mouseDown: function (event) { var t = this; t._mouseStarted && t._mouseUp(event); t._mouseDownEvent = event; var btnIsLeft = event.which ? (event.which == 1):(event.keyCode==0); if (!btnIsLeft || !this.mouseCapture(event)) { return true; } if (t._mouseDistanceMet(event)) { t._mouseStarted = (t.mouseStart(event) !== false); if (!t._mouseStarted) { event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : (event.returnValue = false); return true; } } t._mouseMoveDelegate = t._mouseMove.bind(t); t._mouseUpDelegate = t._mouseUp.bind(t); addListener(document, 'mousemove', t._mouseMoveDelegate) addListener(document, 'mouseup', t._mouseUpDelegate); event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : (event.returnValue = false); return true; }, _mouseMove: function (event) { var t = this; if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1 && !event.button) { return t._mouseUp(event); } if (t._mouseStarted) { t.mouseDrag(event); return event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : (event.returnValue = false); } t._mouseStarted = t.mouseStart(t._mouseDownEvent, event) !== false; t._mouseStarted ? t.mouseDrag(event) : t._mouseUp(event); return !t._mouseStarted; }, _mouseUp: function (event) { var t = this; removeListener(document, 'mousemove', t._mouseMoveDelegate) removeListener(document, 'mouseup', t._mouseUpDelegate); if (t._mouseStarted) { t._mouseStarted = false; t._preventClickEvent = (event.target == t._mouseDownEvent.target); t.mouseStop(event); } return false; }, _mouseDistanceMet: function (event) { var t = this; return Math.max(Math.abs(t._mouseDownEvent.clientX - fixEvent(event)['pageX']), Math.abs(t._mouseDownEvent.clienY - fixEvent(event)['pageY'])) >= 0; }, mouseStart: function (event) { }, mouseDrag: function (event) { }, mouseStop: function (event) {}, mouseCapture: function (event) { return true; } }; window["ifeng"] = ifeng; })(window);